
POLL: Only 50.5% Of People Think I Can Throw A Football More Than 25 Yards

David Hookstead (Credit: David Hookstead)

David Hookstead Sports And Entertainment Editor
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There isn’t much confidence in my ability to throw a football more than 25 yards.

As we talked about earlier, I was challenged to throw a football more than 25 yards after some insulting texts from a close friend, and I’ll be doing it this Friday if the weather permits. (RELATED: David Hookstead Is The True King In The North When It Comes To College Football)

Just to fan the flames and stoke debate, I asked people if they thought I could sling the rock the necessary distance or not.

Of the 1,018 voters, only 50.5% said they think I can go more than 25 yards.

Anybody who voted “no” is an absolute clown. They’re morons of epic proportion. I wish I was living in their world of delusion and fantasy.

Folks, I’m not even insulted by the fact 49.5% of people think I can’t throw that far. I look forward to embarrassing them.

It’s just comical to think a full grown adult man (who just miraculously made it to his 28th birthday) can’t spin the ball 25 yards.

David Hookstead (Credit: David Hookstead)

David Hookstead (Credit: David Hookstead)

Now, I’m not saying I could drop a dime at 25 yards against tight coverage. I know what I can do, and more importantly, I know what I can’t do.

I will have zero problems putting a ball 25 yards down field, despite the fact I haven’t thrown a pass since October.

Keep doubting me. Doubt me all you want. I see you all out there!

Keep checking back for updates, and make sure to check it out Friday. If I lose, we’ll find a good charity to donate to. If I win, you won’t stop hearing about it for months.