Meghan McCain Says Trump Ad Featuring Nancy Pelosi’s Ice Cream Is Devastating. Her Co-Hosts Disagree

Virginia Kruta Associate Editor
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Meghan McCain said that a recent GOP ad featuring House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her refrigerator full of ice cream is “a kill shot.”

McCain made the comments Tuesday on ABC’s “The View” after the ad made the rounds on social media. (RELATED: ‘Lead By Example!’: Meghan McCain Rips Into De Blasio For Gym Outing Amid Coronavirus Fears)


“This ad is an absolute savage blow and an example what I was trying to explain today regarding having empathy for the protesters and people living in fear of how they will feed their family and keep the lights on,” McCain said on Twitter.

Co-host Whoopi Goldberg asked her about the tweet, and McCain was quick to respond.

“I thought it was a kill shot. It’s not the ice cream in her fridge. It’s the fact that she’s standing behind giant refrigerators, multiple ones that cost $24,000 each, and you’re right, Joy, politicians are wealthy, Trump is wealthy, but I think in this specific moment, optics are narratives,” McCain explained. “I don’t make the rules of politics. This is just how it works and when it looks like — what she’s saying in the video and I also agree with Joy that if I were advising any politician at this point I would also say tread very carefully with a comedy show. This is not the time or the moment to be doing something like this.”

“There are too many mine fields you can step into in a situation like this and this is an effective attack ad and she’s talking about a quarter of a trillion dollars that she is holding up for small businesses,” McCain continued. “Now again, I understand Democrats and Republicans are going to view this from different lenses but seeing $24,000 refrigerators and joking about holding up money for small businesses at the same time they’re showing videos of people saying that they’re starving and showing pictures of their fridges which are empty, it is very effective.”

McCain also referenced Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her now-deleted tweet celebrating the bottom falling out of the oil industry.

“She’s talking about how she loves to see declining oil prices because, again, people are not buying gas because they’re not going to work because they’re out of work and we can’t work right now,” she said. “There’s a bunch of people in the oil industry that are now going to be jobless and she’s making jokes about it right now.”

Co-host Sunny Hostin defended Pelosi, calling the ad “manufactured” and saying that it was just “Fox News outrage and Republican outrage.”

She argued that the freezers she was concerned with were the ones where bodies were being stored in New York.

“This is the Coronavirus and this is about the Trump Administration’s failure to address it properly, failure to address it properly, leading to over 40,000 lost American lives,” she said. “Let’s not miss the point, people.”

McCain, a Republican, thought the political ad would do well with at least parts of the electorate.

“Trust me when I say this, it will play very well in the middle of the country,” McCain said at one point.