

David Hookstead (Credit: David Hookstead)

David Hookstead Sports And Entertainment Editor
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We’ve officially hit day 50 of coronavirus isolation, and it’s hard to believe that’s even a real number.

Yes, folks, I’ve been isolating during this crisis for 50 days! For a measuring stick for all of you, the Battle of the Bulge lasted for 40 days. (RELATED: David Hookstead Is The True King In The North When It Comes To College Football)

Am I comparing myself to those who held the line during the Battle of the Bulge? That’s not my place to say. That’s a question historians will have to answer decades down the road. All I’m saying is that the fact we’re 50 days into this and we still haven’t cracked is a testament to the spirit of Americans.

I’ve been telling people that if we stay the course, then we will win. We’re Americans. We don’t lose or give up.

We thrive on chaos. When the going gets tough, we smile, crack another beer and run full steam ahead. That’s the spirit that won WWII, put men on the moon and resulted in college football national titles.

We simply don’t tolerate losing in this country.

Here’s the good news. Yes, we’re on day 50 of this nonsense as we fight the war, but it seems like the tide is finally turning in our favor.

Why do I say that? Well, it’s pretty simple. States are slowly starting to open, and arguably more importantly, more and more football teams are committing to playing the season.

As long as this country has football, then we’ll always be okay.

Here’s a fun fact for you all, countries that play college football are also undefeated in world wars. You can go ahead and look that up. It’s 100% true.

If we could win on D-Day, then I’ll be damned if a virus stops us.

Finally, I know a lot of you are wondering when this football throw is going to happen. Unfortunately, the weather isn’t cooperating again today.

The good news is we’re having a bit of a small fire tomorrow, and I might just spin the football right over that thing when the weather is good.

Trust me, it’s going to happen, and I’ll have no problem throwing a football 25 yards.

Keep up the fight, gentlemen! We’re turning a corner, and I’m proud to be in this fight with all of you!