
CORONAVIRUS ISOLATION DAY 71 UPDATE: The Victory Parade Is On The Horizon

(Credit: David Hookstead)

David Hookstead Sports And Entertainment Editor
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It’s day 71 of coronavirus isolation and I can smell victory in the air.

After more than two months of staying indoors to help flatten the curve, win the war and save the football season, I see victory on the horizon. (RELATED: David Hookstead Is The True King In The North When It Comes To College Football)

All across America, people are starting to get back to their lives. They’re going outside, they’re resisting the idea we have to give up all our freedoms, we’re drinking beer again and we’re ready to get things rolling.

As a very famous and prominent woman told me just the other day, we’re Americans and it’s time to start acting like it again.

We’ve done our job to flatten the curve, hospitals are ready to help those who need it and it’s time for us to get back to kicking ass like Americans are meant to.

We stormed beaches July 6, 1944, and now we need to gear up to play football in the fall. If you’re not with us, then you’re against us.

It’s that simple. If you aren’t with us to make sure we’re on the gridiron by August 29, then you’re the enemy.

If America has proven anything over the history of this country, it’s the fact you don’t want to be our enemy. We take care of business, especially when the things we love are threatened.

If you try to take away our football, there is no line we won’t cross to defend it. I will fight 100 wars on 100 different fronts to guarantee football happens in the fall.

Luckily, I know most of you are riding with me, and as a group, America will never be defeated.

To those of you who did your part to win this war, I say ‘thank you’! We sacrificed when we were asked to, we stayed committed to the cause and got the job done.

Now, it’s time to get back to preparing to win titles in the fall.

Damn, I just jacked myself up so much that I might need a beer just to relax! Let’s get to work!