
‘The Biden Family Is The Klan Family … And Joe Is The Imperial Wizard’: Leo Terrell Rips Bidens Over Hunter’s Alleged Use Of N-Word

[Fox News:Screenshot]

Brianna Lyman News and Commentary Writer
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Civil rights lawyer Leo Terrell ripped Hunter Biden for his alleged use of the N-word Tuesday night while speaking on Hannity, saying “the Biden family is the Klan family.” He also argued there’s likely to be little outrage from Democrats over the reports.

“I will tell you right now with all the facts you have shown on this program about [President] Joe Biden and you look at what Hunter Biden says, the Biden family is the Klan family. It’s the Klan,” Terrell said, regarding Hunter’s alleged use of the N-word in newly released text messages obtained by the Daily Mail.

“And Joe is the imperial wizard. That is outright – the terms that he used, Hunter, was the most derogatory, prejudicial way of using the N-word regarding why, regarding body parts. That is a person who is comfortable using the N-word.”


Text messages sent from Hunter to his corporate lawyer George Mesires between December 2018 and January 2019 show Hunter refer to Mesires as “n***a” on numerous occasions, according to screenshots obtained by the Daily Mail. In one message, Hunter allegedly texted Mesires, “n***a you better not be charging me Hennessy rates.”

Terrell said the Democrats would likely remain silent on the bombshell texts. (RELATED: ‘To Equate The American Flag … With Whiteness Is Insulting’: Leo Terrell Chides NYT’s Mara Gay For ‘Racist’ Remarks)

“You’re going to hear crickets from the Democrats. Biden and his family have a history of demonizing blacks and the number one reason why I left the Democratic Party is because Joe Biden went on national radio and said ‘If you don’t vote for me, you ain’t black.’ This guy is a racist and he needs to look into the mirror and acknowledge that him and his family are racist! Is it insulting.”

Biden told Charlamagne Tha God in May of 2020 that he “ain’t black” if he didn’t know whether he was voting for former President Donald Trump or Biden himself.

“Let’s see how many Democrats call out Hunter Biden, call out Joe Biden for these klan like statements against black people. If you don’t have black voters, you don’t have the Democratic Party,” Terrell added. “Let’s see if we have any Democratic lawmakers condemn Biden and his family, AKA Klan Family.”

Democrats appear to be quiet about Hunter’s alleged texts, as Terrell predicted — but then, for the most part, so is the media.

The New York Times (NYT) has yet to publish a story about the alleged texts that involved the use of the racial slur multiple times at time of publication.

The outlet wasted no time just months ago when they doxxed a high school senior who said in a Snapchat video from 2016, “I can drive, n***a.” The teen who uttered the racial slur was subsequently removed from her pending university’s cheer team and later withdrew from the school after she was put “under pressure from admissions officials,” according to the NYT.

The NYT isn’t the only outlet that has remained mum on the texts but spent time outing private figures. The Washington Post published an entire piece on a graphic designer who dressed up as Megyn Kelly with blackface at a Halloween party.