
British Man Alleges He Saw A Bigfoot While Snowboarding In Colorado

Bigfoot (Credit: Shutterstock/CineBlade)

David Hookstead Sports And Entertainment Editor
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A British man allegedly saw a Bigfoot while carving up the slopes in Colorado.

Phantoms and Monsters recently published an account from the unnamed man about his alleged sighting and it’s something to behold. (RELATED: David Hookstead Is The True King In The North When It Comes To College Football)

For fans of Sasquatch stories, I can promise you’ll find it interesting.

The unnamed man told the following in part about his alleged Bigfoot sighting, according to Phantoms and Monsters:

I soon realised ‘it’ wasn’t a bear. I thought ‘it’ looked like a big man wearing a large over coat with the collar turned up.

Whilst I was watching this unfold I got a sudden fear. I was terrified. This ‘individual’ was now about halfway towards me on the path. The way ‘it’ had come up the mountain side ‘it’ walked through the odd group of trees. There were also trees within 30 or 40 meters of the track. The ‘individual’ suddenly took a 45-degree turn to the right and walked into the snow field towards the trees. ‘It’ didn’t slow down, despite walking through 3 feet of snow. Something which would have almost stopped me dead in my tracks. The moon was shining from behind this ‘thing,’ so I didn’t see any details on the front of it, due to the light shielding ‘its’ features.

As I’ve said many times before, until I see a Bigfoot dead on the ground in front of me, I refuse to really buy any of these stories.

There’s way more evidence for UFOs. I mean, way more evidence! Our own military has repeatedly captured them on camera.

What evidence do we have for Bigfoot being real other than mysterious stories? The answer is none. We don’t have a single concrete sighting, unlike the countless UFO videos we’ve all seen.

While I’m not calling this guy a liar, I am saying I’m going to need some more proof than just hearing about how he saw a strange beast while snowboarding in Colorado.

I mean, has nobody in the history of mankind seen one of these alleged creatures while armed? If I see a mythical beast walking through the woods and I’m strapped, you better believe I’m laying down some fire.

Let us know what you think of the man’s claims in the comments below.

H/T: BroBible