
Incredible Viral Video Shows Ukrainian Helicopter Firing Rockets

Ukrainian Helicopter (Credit: Screenshot/Twitter Video https://twitter.com/RALee85/status/1531001744657981440)

David Hookstead Sports And Entertainment Editor
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Another interesting video from the war in Ukraine has hit Twitter.

In a viral video tweeted by Rob Lee, a Ukrainian helicopter ripped through the sky and fired off rockets. While it’s not the most insane war video we’ve ever seen, it’s still worth your time. (RELATED: David Hookstead Is The True King In The North When It Comes To College Football)

Fire it up and give it a watch below.

Of all the videos that we’ve seen out of Ukraine since the war against Russia started, some of the footage of helicopters is definitely among the best. It’s almost like it’s straight out of a video game or a movie.

It’s just wild to see a helicopter tear through the sky while firing rockets or to see a video of a helicopter getting shot down in brutal fashion.

At this point, there’s nothing that could come out of Ukraine that would surprise me. Whether it’s gun battles, helicopters getting blown up, tanks getting obliterated or anything in between, I feel like we’ve just about seen it all at this point.

The fighting is absolutely brutal and all the videos are a reminder of that fact.

Make sure to keep checking back for the latest videos out of Ukraine as we have them.