
Biden Addresses Concerns He’s Running At 80 Years Old

(Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

Diana Glebova White House Correspondent
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President Joe Biden addressed polling on Wednesday showing that a majority of Americans are concerned about his age and don’t want him to seek reelection.

ABC’s Mary Bruce asked Biden why he’s choosing to seek reelection, given his underwater polling numbers and questions about his health.

“You recently launched your reelection campaign. You’ve said questions about your age are legitimate, and your response is always ‘just watch me.’ The country is watching, and recent polling shows that 70% of Americans, including a majority of Democrats, believe you shouldn’t run again. What do you say to them? What do you say to those Americans who are watching and aren’t convinced?” Bruce asked at a press conference following Biden’s bilateral meeting with South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol.

“You’ve said you can beat Trump again, do you think you’re the only one?” Bruce added.

“I may not be the only one. But I know him well and I know the danger he presents to our democracy, and we’ve been down this road before,” Biden began.

“With regard to age and polling data. I noticed the polling data. I keep hearing about it, is that I’m between 42 and 46% favorable rating, etc., but everybody running for reelection in this time has been in the same position, there’s nothing new about that. You’re making it sound like Biden’s really underwater,” he added. “Number two, when the same polling data asks whether what kind of job I’ve done, it gets overwhelmingly positive results.” (RELATED: ‘Elder Abuse’: GOP Presidential Contenders Rail Against Biden For 2024)

WASHINGTON, DC – APRIL 26: U.S. President Joe Biden (R) and South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol hold a joint press conference in the Rose Garden at the White House, April 26, 2023 in Washington, DC. President Biden is hosting President Yoon on his first visit to the United States as the two nations have reached a nuclear weapons agreement. (Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

“With regard to age, I can’t even say, I guess how old I am, I can’t even say the number. It doesn’t register with me. But the only thing I can say is that one of the things that people are going to find out is, they’re going to see a race, and they’re going to judge, whether or not I have it or don’t have it. I respect them taking a hard look at it. I’d take a hard look at it as well, I took a hard look at it before I decided to run,” Biden said. “I feel good and I feel excited about the prospects, and I think we’re on the verge of really turning the corner in a way we haven’t in a long time.”

“To be clear though, you just said, ‘I know him well.’ Did Donald Trump’s decision to run affect yours? Would you be running if he wasn’t?” Bruce pressed. 

“Yeah I think I still would be running if he wasn’t. I do know him well, he’s not hard to know, as you know … Look, there’s just more to finish the job. We have an opportunity to put ourselves in a position where we are economically and politically secure for a long time,” Biden responded.