
Alleged Autopsy Report Sheds Light On Kurt Cobain’s Tragic Death: REPORT

(PHILIPPE LOPEZ/AFP via Getty Images)

Mariane Angela Entertainment And News Reporter
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Nearly three decades after the death of iconic Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain, a private investigator named Tom Grant released Thursday what he claims is Cobain’s official autopsy report.

Grant, who has allegedly been meticulously investigating the circumstances surrounding Cobain’s death since 1994, shared the document on his website and Twitter account. The release of this report, if authentic, marks the first time such details have been made publicly available, according to TMZ. Cobain’s autopsy had remained undisclosed due to Washington state laws that restrict the release of such sensitive information, typically only accessible to family members.

Grant’s website delves into his extensive investigation of Cobain’s death, which was ruled a suicide in 1994. The musician died at the age of 27, leaving behind his wife, Courtney Love, and daughter, Frances Bean.

The alleged report, according to Grant’s claims, appears to confirm the long-held understanding of Cobain’s death — that he died by suicide using a shotgun. It also allegedly contains details of substances found in Cobain’s system at the time of his death. (RELATED: Nirvana Releasing 30th Anniversary Album With Previously Unreleased Songs)

Efforts to verify the authenticity of this document have been met with silence from King County officials, who cited Washington’s privacy laws concerning such matters, TMZ reported. The release of this report, if proven genuine, provides a new perspective on the death of a music legend, whose influence continues to resonate with fans around the world.

As the conversation around Cobain’s death reemerges, it’s important to remember that help is available for those struggling with crisis. Resources can be accessed by calling or texting 988 or visiting 988lifeline.org.