Media Ignores Transgender Identity Of Alleged Potential Mass Shooter

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Various media outlets have left out the fact that Andrea Ye, an 18-year-old high school student Maryland police arrested Tuesday over a manifesto that sparked concern of a mass shooting, is apparently transgender.

In the 18 chapter “memoir”, which Ye claims is fictional, she writes, “I want to shoot up my school. I’ve been preparing for it for the past few months. As I sit in front of my dad’s gun case and stare at the sleek, black gun inside, all I can think about is my finger on the trigger, taking aim, and killing people,” according to a police report obtained by the Daily Caller.  Ye’s pen pal, who reportedly tipped police off to the manifesto, noticed a number of similarities between the story’s main character and Ye, including the fact that both are trans-identifying.

However, various media outlets either buried the fact that Ye is transgender or omitted the fact altogether.

A Thursday NBC News package detailed Ye’s similarities with the main character of the manifesto, including “they were both Asian and felt bullied by other students,” but failed to mention the fact that both are apparently transgender.

CNN’s story on the incident also omits the fact Ye is transgender, identifying Ye only as Alex Ye with no mention of her birth name.

The same pattern plays out with USA Today, The Associated Press (AP) and NBC4 Washington.

The Washington Post did mention how the main character in Ye’s writing was transgender, but that fact was buried in the 12th paragraph of their story.

“Witness-One began reviewing the ’18 chapter’ manifesto and noted striking similarities between the main character (James Wang) and Ye,” the report states. “The story focused on a transgender main character being bullied in school and other issues that Witness-One believed were directly from Ye’s life and not indicative of fiction.”

The police report notes “that Alex Ye’s lawful and legal name is Andrea Ye. This statement of probable cause referred to Ye with the name they identify as and male pronouns. However for legal purposes, it is recognized that the subject’s legal name is Andrea Ye, an Asian female with date of birth, 01/07/2006.”

Ye searched “Behavioral threat assessment of Audrey Elizabeth Hale” in January, according to a search warrant obtained by police. Hale was a suspected transgender mass shooter who allegedly killed three children and three adults in Nashville in 2023. The outlets previously mentioned appear to have ignored that fact, too. (RELATED: Left-Wing News Orgs Completely Ignore Bombshell Trans Report)

Ye was hospitalized in December 2022 for “threatening to ‘shoot up a school,’ homicidal, and suicidal ideations,” according to the report. From February 2023 to July 2023, Ye was hospitalized at Johns Hopkins Pediatric Unit for “homicidal ideations,” according to the report.

Ye had been attending school virtually since Fall 2022, Montgomery County Public School officials said in a statement.

A District Court Judge ordered Ye to be held without bond Friday, Montgomery County State’s Attorney’s Office told the Daily Caller.