
Videos Show Rioters Attacking Israeli Embassy And Starting Fire, Clashing With Cops

Axel Hernández/ObturadorMX/Getty Images

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Mexican protesters attacked police and threw Molotov cocktails at the Israeli embassy in Mexico City on Tuesday night, videos circulating on social media show.

At least six police officers were injured in the clashes, according to The Associated Press.

Protestors attempted to rip down metal barricades, set fires and threw bricks and stones at police, social media videos show.

The protest was small in size, with only about 80 attendees, according to Mexican news outlet Telediario. The majority of protesters were women, the outlet noted.

The six officers who were injured all incurred burns and were treated by paramedics, according to Telediario. (RELATED: ‘Amateur Hour’: Biden Admin’s Floating Gaza Pier Problems Go From Bad To Worse)

The protesters allegedly chanted “do not defend the genociders” and “they are killing children,” and officers deployed tear gas, the outlet reported. The protest subsided after about two hours.

The violent demonstration comes just days after Mexico requested to join an International Court of Justice (ICJ) declaration accusing Israel of genocide in Gaza.