Pizza Delivery Man Allegedly Kills Woman In Hit-And-Run, Still Delivers Pizza

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Dana Abizaid Contributor
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A pizza delivery driver who allegedly killed a woman in a hit and run in Detroit continued on his way to complete the delivery, FOX2 reported.

Police said the suspect, identified as Joseph Steward, did not stop to call 911 after striking 56-year-old Delia Dinwiddie with his car June 8, according to FOX2.

“We believe that [the driver] knew that he had hit someone, and he continued his course of travel to finish his delivery,” Detroit Police Commander Rebecca McKay said. (RELATED: Police Charge Husband Who Allegedly Killed Wife In Hit-And-Run, Left Her For Dead Beside Road)


Dinwiddie’s husband, Ronald Hudgins, told FOX2 that he has not slept much since the accident took his wife’s life on the same city block where they met 44 years ago.

“He could’ve at least stopped, turned around and looked. He just kept going, like she nothing,” Hudgins said. “I just seen her eyes opening and they were putting her in the EMS. That’s the last time I ever seen her.”

The victim’s granddaughter, Ahleche Dinwiddie, told FOX2 that Dinwiddie’s own mother was killed by a car at the same spot when Dinwiddie was 11 years old.

“She always said she didn’t want to die over here, and she did not want to die like that – and she did both,” Ahleche said. “My grandma watched her mama die at the end of that corner, the same exact way.”

Hudgins, who clings to his dead wife’s purse day and night, told FOX2 he can’t believe this is real.

“I hope he [Stewart] rots in hell for doing what he did to my wife,” Hudgins said. “He destroyed my whole family.”

Detroit police tracked down and arrested Stewart by using license plate readers and green light cameras, FOX2 reported.

Stewart, who is being held on $100,000 bond, could face up to 15 years in prison if convicted.