Thugs With Baseball Bats Brutally Attack 58-Year-Old Woman In NYC

Image not from story (Photo by SAMANTHA LAUREY/AFP via Getty Images)

Mariane Angela Entertainment And News Reporter
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Thugs with baseball bats attacked a 58-year-old woman Tuesday while she was walking in downtown Manhattan, the New York Post reported.

Wikimedia Commons/ Public/ Anthony Quintano, CC BY 2.0 <>

Wikimedia Commons/ Public/ Anthony Quintano, CC BY 2.0 <>

Two masked assailants armed with a baseball bat attacked a 58-year-old woman in broad daylight, as captured by surveillance footage. The assault occurred around 2 p.m. as the victim was walking engrossed in her cellphone, according to the New York Post. The video shows the first suspect running up from behind and striking the woman on the back of her head with a punch.

As she stumbled back against the wall of a nearby store, the second attacker began to hit her repeatedly with a black baseball bat, while his accomplice attempted to snatch her purse, the outlet reported. Despite their violent efforts, the attackers fled the scene without the woman’s belongings. The victim was subsequently transported to New York Downtown Hospital, where she was treated for bruising on her left leg and swelling on the back of her head. (RELATED: Video Shows Long Beach Man Allegedly Attacking Woman With Object While She Was Pushing Baby In Stroller: REPORT)

Watch video of attack here:

Authorities have described the suspects as strangers to the victim and are currently on the lookout for them, according to the New York Post. No arrests have been made as of this writing. The police are urging anyone with information about the attackers or the incident to come forward to assist with the ongoing investigation.