DC Trawler

Elsewhere at the Daily Caller, 3/4/10

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Obama’s new health-care argument: A primer. In 10 words or less? “If you don’t like it, keep your trap shut.”

Anthony Weiner’s comment on Obama’s intense, some might say desperate involvement in these health care negotiations: “I’ve believed for months that with muscular presidential leadership we would get this done, and I think that the president is now putting his finger firmly on the scale.” While it seems appropriate for a politician named Weiner to use a butcher-shop metaphor, isn’t putting your finger on the scale usually seen as… cheating?

Sarah Palin is pitching a reality show to the networks with Survivor producer Mark Burnett. Which continues her strategy of doing everything possible to drive her screeching detractors even more insane. But between this and the Tonight Show standup thing the other night, doesn’t it seem less and less likely that she’ll run for president anytime soon? Then again, Clinton did this and still got elected:

Tucker Mr. Carlson had his weekly chat with Slate’s David Plotz this morning, and you can check out the replay here. The subject was roses. Wait, no, politics. Sample quote from the boss: “Eliot Spitzer is a good columnist, I agree. He would have been a lot happier in journalism, where nobody cares how many hookers you buy.”

If you haven’t seen MSNBC’s Dylan Ratigan blow his stack at some Tea Party guy, you’re among the vast majority of Americans. But he did, and it was bizarre and frightening. Does MSNBC hire these guys because they’re crazy, or does working there drive them crazy? Determining the answer would require watching the channel for more than 5 minutes a day, so good luck with that. Or you can read all about it.

It seems kind of weird to hold White House lawyers to account for having represented Gitmo detainees. I mean, they’re lawyers. Who work for this White House. Are we shocked?

Take a look back at some of the worst Oscar dresses ever. AKA “We miss you, Cher.”

Pete Stark: Raving mad.

Note to Rand Paul: Don’t let them talk you into the blimp.

Jim Treacher