DC Trawler

Postage stamps are not healthy for children and other living things

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Pop quiz, hotshot: What’s wrong with this picture?


I’m sure you spotted it right away.

No? Take a closer look, wingnut:


Seriously? Ummmm, what about this are you not getting?

Fine. You need it spelled out for you? Caroline May reports:

The U.S. Postal Service tabled its first lady Michelle Obama-inspired physical activity stamp series due to safety concerns, a Postal Service spokesman confirmed to The Daily Caller Thursday.

“The stamps are on hold with the printer and we have not made a decision at this point, right now, with respect to how we are going to move forward,” the USPS spokesman told TheDC. Some of the illustrations on some of the stamps in the series, the spokesman explained, feature activities that some might not consider safe — like doing a cannonball into a swimming pool.

The “Just Move” stamp series was initially conceived to “support” and “promote” the first lady’s anti-childhood obesity Let’s Move campaign, the spokesman said.

Crisis averted!

As we all know, few things can influence a child’s behavior more strongly than a postage stamp. What would happen if some kids saw these stamps and decided to emulate the behavior depicted therein?

“Say, fellows, I do believe I will juggle four tennis balls while doing an anatomically unlikely little dance. Whee!!”
“A capital idea, chum! Now, observe as I perch barefoot atop this rock, balanced on one leg and arms splayed wide, as instructed by the First Lady of the United States herself!”

Next thing you know: SNAP! Broken necks. Shattered dreams. A lifetime of misery.

Yeah. Not so funny now, is it, teabagger?

Also, the children on these stamps are all faceless, misshapen gargoyles. Is that really the message we want to send to today’s youth?

Kudos to the United States Postal Service for their fine work. I hope everybody involved in the design, production, and destruction of these postage stamps gets a big raise.

Oh, who am I kidding? Of course they will!

Just as the Founding Fathers intended.

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Jim Treacher