DC Trawler

Chuck Schumer hates the Koch brothers’ money… except when it goes into his pocket

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Lately, Schumer has been taking to the airwaves to malign a couple of private citizens for saying things he doesn’t like. He’s been trying to make the case that they shouldn’t spend their money however they want, because it’s not fair and they’re meanies and he wants a cookie.

But he didn’t always hate the Kochs and their money so much. Just look at what John Hinderaker at Power Line has dug up:


Here’s the text:


October 28, 2009

Ms. Lacye Tennille
600 14th Street, NW
Suite 800
Washington, DC 20005

Dear Lacye:

Thank you so much for the generous KOCHPAC contribution to my 2010 campaign for re-election to the United States Senate.

I have been blessed for most of my adult life in that I love waking up every day and going to work for the people of New York. It is truly an honor to serve as New York’s senior senator and work on the important issues of our time — issues that so affect my state and this country. Whether it’s the economy or education, national security or health care, energy independence or immigration… I will never stop fighting, tooth and nail, for us to achieve a better New York, and a better America.

Your early financial help keeps me strong in my campaign. In return, I promise to continue working as hard as I can to help our nation reach its maximum potential.

Again, I can’t thank you enough. All of my best to you and yours, and I look forward to working with you throughout this election.

Chuck Schumer

Other than that… good point, Chuck!

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Jim Treacher