
Wasserman Schultz Seemingly At Odds With DNC On Admin’s Cuba Policy Stance

(REUTERS/Joe Skipper)

Kerry Picket Political Reporter
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Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz found herself between her constituents in Florida and her own party when President Barack Obama announced more favorable relations with Cuba this week. Following the president’s announcement, which included removing the small Communist nation off the list of state sponsors of terrorism. Wasserman Schultz’s office released this statement:

“Like the President, I too envision a bright future for the Cuban people where their basic human rights are respected and they can access information freely. While I have always been opposed to unearned changes in the status of our relationship with Cuba, I will continue to work with the Administration, my colleagues, and community activists to support policies that benefit the Cuban people and do not further entrench the Castro regime.”

The Daily Caller sent an inquiry to the Congresswoman’s office about the statement above, as did The Miami Herald, asking what she meant by the term “unearned.” No response was given. However, the Herald points out that one minute after her Congressional office released her statement, the DNC released an opinion that was more supportive of the president’s policy move and even took shots at Republicans for criticizing it.

On Wednesday, President Obama announced groundbreaking developments regarding the United States’ relations with Cuba that will benefit the Cuban and American people and their pursuit of prosperity and economic opportunity.

Before the president even announced the new policy – Republicans jumped to criticize the to-be-announced policy.

However, while Obama laid out a thoughtful rationale for the shift in US foreign policy (changes supported by a majority of the American people), Republicans continue to embrace the Cold War-era policy that most Americans are anxious to move beyond.

Republicans eyeing the White House went after President Obama for his Cuba position. Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker called it a “bad idea” while Texas Senator Ted Cruz remarked that Obama’s announcement would “be remembered as a tragic mistake.” Florida Senator Marco Rubio called it “inexplicable” and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush does not think we should be negotiating with the Castro regime at all.