
Obama’s Ridiculous Climate Change Anti-Terrorism Strategy: Will It Mean Mourning In America?

Alan Keyes Former Assistant Secretary of State
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Given his lifelong Marxist predilections, it’s not surprising that Barack Obama says whatever serves his faction’s agenda for the moment, without regard to any standard of truth that transcends the dialectical struggle for material power that informs the substance of history, according to his Marxist faith. Like reports in Pravda during the Soviet era, the Obama faction’s measure of truth is a function of their Party line, apart from which facts, and the language in which they are conveyed, have no meaning that has to be taken seriously.

So, in the wake of the massacre in Paris, perpetrated by Islamic State terrorists his administration probably had a hand in arming; in the teeth of what amounts to a campaign of extermination against non-Muslims in the Middle East; and despite historical realities, like the massacres perpetrated against civilians in various African countries, Obama can pretend that America is the scene of an epidemic of mass murders without precedent elsewhere in the world.  

So, like a good straight man, he can set up the punch line with a straight face when he says that the most effective way to fight terrorism is to fight allegedly man-made global climatological change. The punch line has to do with establishing what amounts to a global, totalitarian dictatorship of the power proletariat (i.e., those who have no work but to serve their own ambition, and value no “offspring” but the power to do so). It’s a regime that, among other things, is intended to batter Americans into submission, using international trade and climate agreements.  

It’s easy enough to ridicule Obama’s statements now, but while we chuckle the elitist faction juggernaut is steaming along, It’s like the trains that once carried supplies to the laborers (including people imported from abroad) laying track for America’s transcontinental railroads. This time, however, the tracks appear on the pages of international agreements, passed by anti-Constitutional sleight of hand, over the strong objections of most Americans (especially those who bother to educate themselves about their consequences). Even his line about defying terrorism with an agreement on allegedly man-made climatological change must take on ominous overtones if and when the suspicion that the Obama faction helped to create the Islamic State is investigated and verified. After all, when the gangsters show up selling insurance against criminal vandalism to local businesses, their prediction that the attacks will cease has an alarming ring of truth.

When I think of all the Americans who haven’t bothered to ponder these possibilities, I deeply pity our posterity. Until recently, our government of, by and for the people seemed well on its way to fulfilling the American Founders’ hope that Americans, by resting “all our political experiments on the capacity of mankind for self-government” (Federalist #39) would “vindicate the honor of the human race.” (Federalist #11) But at present that achievement is not only in doubt, it seems poised on the brink of historic oblivion.

The God-revering hope of decent human liberty kindled by the Founders of the United States, and fanned into a world enlightening flame by the generations that succeeded them, is now close to being extinguished. Today’s elites have been enormously blessed by the unprecedented success secured by our nation’s God-acknowledging liberty. Yet they have abandoned respect for God as the author of justice. With that respect goes the principle that God has informed human nature itself with the premises of right, thereby imparting to all human beings all the reason they need to do right, if only they have the goodwill to consult and act upon it.  

By God’s provision, we have the common sense to know what it is right to do. Yet the elitist faction seems bent on rousing the irrational instincts we have in common with the beasts, rather than abetting the “better angels of our nature.” This abandonment of the Founders’ confidence in the good genius of the American people is not mere happenstance. It derives from the fact that, unlike the prevalent statesmen of America’s founding generation, the controlling forces of today’s elitist faction do not look for the best in humanity as a whole. Instead they see themselves as the best of all humanity; for whose sake the rest exist, and whose whims the rest should serve.

This is the arrogant self-worship that drives them to construct a universal government fit to impose their will upon humanity, whatever the cost to truth and human dignity. This is the vaulting ambition that leads them to make fear and lies the chief resources of their “statesmanship,” rather than truthful persuasion. Such persuasion would aim to clarify good judgment, strengthen character, and celebrate courage – not just in “leaders” (for purposes that serve their narcissistic pursuit of power) but in our people at large, for purposes of renewing confidence in our national capacity to discern and serve the common good of humanity, as the exercise of God-endowed sovereignty requires.

So far in this election cycle, it begins to look as if the choice at the highest level of our political life will offer no alternative to the elitist faction’s clever degradation of self-government. The prospective choice between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton is not even a choice between two sides of the same coin, for the impression of both their lives is stamped on the same side. As they face off against each other it is unlikely either will have any real regard for the decent will of the American people. Mrs. Clinton has shown this by her palpable treasons. Mr. Trump has shown it by his distempered caricature of both our anger at those treasons, and the just defense of our sovereignty as a people. Both Trump and Clinton are thus fairly emblematic of the condition of the so-called “two party system” today. It is entirely in the hands of the left-leaning, temperamentally anti-American elitist faction in the latest iteration of the age-old and universal grappling between elitists and the people they aim to dominate.

The good nature and character of the people as a whole (to include the elites, but not their elitism) was the substance America’s Founders relied upon to enable America to transcend the dismal consequences that humanly endemic contest has, more often than not, produced. The corruption of vision that currently besets our politics has enabled the elitist faction to hijack or suppress the initiative of the people at large. So at the moment, that substance seems doomed to fail. The Constitution itself suggests another way — but as yet no entrepreneurs in constitutional citizenship are rising up to take pursue it.  

It seems that, in America today, the Constitution suffers the same treatment some mete out to the Creator, whose justice it was meant to implement. People profess to uphold our precious Constitution. But they devote their work and their resources to an elitist sham, entirely unheard of in its provisions. Better for us to end the sham by seizing the political initiative our Constitution allows, than to see it end in the consolidation of elitist tyranny over us.