
Sally Kohn Downplays DNC Email Hack As ‘Catnip For The Media’ [VIDEO]

Steve Guest Media Reporter
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Left-wing talking head Sally Kohn attempted to downplay the revelations stemming from the DNC email hack on Monday, complaining that it was just “catnip for the media.”

Appearing on “CNN Newsroom,” host Carrol Costello asked Kohn to respond to a leaked email from the DNC’s chief financial officer that talked about going after Sanders’s religion that said, “I think read he is an atheist. This could make several points difference with my peeps. My Southern Baptist peeps draw a big difference between a Jew and atheist.” (RELATED: Leaked DNC Documents Show Plans To Reward Big Donors With Federal Appointments)

Kohn initially replied, “It’s astonishingly awful and offensive. Look, I mean, you know, this is a problem. The Democratic Party is addressing it. There have been people held accountable. People will continue to be held accountable. We haven’t finished seeing the repercussions of this.” (RELATED: Wikileaks Releases Nearly 20,000 Hacked DNC Emails)

The liberal CNN commentator then said, “The problem is, here, look, I’ll be honest, this is one of my frustrations with this entire election season, is we keep getting caught up in these kind of catnip for the media sort of little scandals or big scandals about the people and the e-mails and the — right, when what else seems to be incredibly relevant is Donald Trump’s policies, his policies towards Russia, his ties with Russia. The pro Putin things that his own senior foreign policy advisors–” (RELATED: Emails: Wasserman Schultz Was FURIOUS With Mika Brzezinski Over Criticism)

“I get that,” Costello interjected, “But this plays into Donald Trump’s narrative that the system is being rigged.”

“So it is getting addressed,” Kohn claimed. “And listen, we’re going to have a convention where people will come together. We’ll see Bernie Sanders speak tonight. He himself, he himself said the e-mails were bad, they confirm what we knew. You know there needs to be accountability and we need to focus on electing Hillary Clinton and defeating Donald Trump.”

Some of the revelations from the DNC email leak appear to show that prominent donors and fundraisers would receive appointments to various federal boards and commissions.

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