
‘That Should Make Your Blood Run Cold’: Biden Accuses Putin Of Breaking International Law

[Screenshot/Public/Twitter/Department of State]

Brianna Lyman News and Commentary Writer
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President Joe Biden said Wednesday while speaking at the United Nations General Assembly in New York City that Russian President Vladimir Putin violated the United Nations international charter in its war against Ukraine.

“Putin claims he had to act because Russia was threatened,” Biden said, according to Fox News. “But no one threatened Russia — no one other than Russia sought conflict. In fact, we warned it was coming.”

“This war is about extinguishing Ukraine’s right to exist as a state — plain and simple — and Ukraine’s right to exist as a people,” he continued, according to the outlet. “Whoever you are, wherever you live, whatever you believe that should not, that should make your blood run cold.”

Biden went on to blame Russia for the war, demanding the world cannot stand idly by while sovereignty is threatened. (RELATED: Biden Calls For More ‘Inclusive’ United Nations In Annual Address)

“We chose liberty. We chose sovereignty. We chose principles, to which every party to the United Nations charter is beholding. We stood with Ukraine,” Biden said, according to Fox News. “Like you, the United States wants this war to end on just terms — on terms we all signed up for — that you cannot seize a nation’s territory by force. The only country standing in the way of that is Russia.”

“Ukraine has the same rights that belong to every sovereign nation. We will stand in solidarity with Ukraine. We will stand in solidarity against Russia’s aggression. Period,” Biden continued, according to Fox News.

Biden’s speech came just as Putin doubled down on the verity of his threats to use nuclear weapons for Russia’s self-defense in a speech Wednesday. Putin partially mobilized for 300,000 reserve and special operations personnel in an executive order signed Wednesday and issued several threats of nuclear strikes in response to the “aggressive policy of some Western elites.”

“In the event of a threat to the territorial integrity of our country and to defend Russia and our people, we will certainly make use of all weapon systems available to us. This is not a bluff,” Putin said.