
Dan Hurley Is Getting Some Absolute King Treatment For His Loyalty To UConn … Free Wings For Life

(Photo by Mitchell Layton/Getty Images)

Andrew Powell Sports and Entertainment Blogger
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Genius marketing by J. Timothy’s Taverne!

UConn men’s basketball head coach Dan Hurley shot down a massive contract offer from the Los Angeles Lakers to remain a Husky, and the university is already trying to reward him by reportedly offering him a $50 million fresh deal. (RELATED: The Decision Is In: Dan Hurley Turns Down Six-Year, $70 Million Offer From Lakers To Stay At UConn)

But it’s not just money that Hurley is being given for his loyalty, he’s also being hooked up in the food department.

Prior to Hurley making his decision, Connecticut restaurant J. Timothy’s Tavern made a promise to Hurley that if he stayed at UConn, they would hand him free wings for life. Well, Hurley made his decision Monday that he was staying put, which led to the popular eatery making it clear that they were dead serious: Hurley gets free wings for life, and can get them anytime he wants.

Absolutely brilliant marketing by J. Timothy’s Taverne … not only did they pull off some incredible press for themselves, but they can take a small grain of credit for getting Dan Hurley to stay at Connecticut, keeping them a national championship powerhouse in the process.

And judging by their social media, they already are. (LMAO)

As a Duke fan in my childhood and a Miami fan here in my adulthood (I still remember that beatdown UConn gave us in the 2023 Final Four), I normally can’t stand the Huskies, but man, there’s just too much swag going on with that program right now to hate on them. And all J. Timothy’s Taverne did was add to it.

Take your free press, guys. Just take it. You deserve it.