
‘Much More Serious’: Jonathan Turley Says Hunter Biden’s Conviction Is Only Beginning Of Legal Woes

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George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley said that Hunter Biden could face much more substantial criminal issues, despite being found guilty on federal gun charges.

Biden was convicted on three felony counts in connection with the 2018 purchase of a .38-caliber revolver Tuesday after jurors deliberated for slightly over three hours. Turley said that a criminal referral by the House of Representatives for perjury combined with the tax case faced by President Joe Biden’s son were pending. (RELATED: ‘The Timing Reveals The Scam’: Fox News Legal Analyst Says Hunter Biden Will Plead The 5th)

“His counsel has got to refocus on that tax case, they are going into that case now with a convicted felon,” Turley told “Faulkner Focus” host Harris Faulkner. “Now, these are very different types of claims, but there is a third front developing. Congress just referred, what I consider to be a very strong case, for a perjury investigation of Hunter Biden after his testimony before Congress.”


“Now the expectation is that Garland is going to basically scuttle that referral, but the problem is that the House seems to have Hunter Biden dead [to] rights… on those perjury claims,” Turley continued. “It is hard to see how what he said before Congress was true. It is a much more serious offense. It is currently sitting on the desk of Merrick Garland.”

Turley noted that the tax case carried “much more serious” charges, including ties to the Biden family’s business dealings.

Earlier Tuesday, Turley said that an effort by Biden’s attorneys to secure “nullification” of the felony charges was “overcome” by the jurors.

“This was a very fair judge in my view, uh, she ruled for the defense and for the prosecutors on different issues. She went right down the middle of the road, and I think in the end, justice was done here,” Turley told Faulkner about United States District Judge Maryellen Noreika of the District of Delaware after the Fox News host contrasted the judge’s handling of the Biden case with New York Judge Juan Merchan’s handling of Trump’s business documents case. “This jury was able to overcome a nullification strategy.”


“Part of the problem was that Abbe Lowell, the defense attorney, put forward a bunch of defenses in the opening statement that collapsed within 48 hours,” Turley continued. “I mean, the prosecutors did an extraordinarily good job here. They were focused, they were disciplined, and they methodically took apart each of these defenses in front of the jury and when you pursue nullification strategy, it can go too far sometimes. It can make the jury feel like they are being treated as chumps and I think that here, the jury followed instructions and did their duty.” (RELATED: ‘Acquittal May Be Out Of Reach’: Andy McCarthy Says Hunter Biden Attorneys ‘Teeing Up’ Second Amendment Appeal)

Biden was indicted in September on the felony gun charges and pleaded not guilty during an October arraignment.

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