
‘No One’s Been Worse Than Him’: Brian Kilmeade Pushes Wes Moore To Condemn Joe Biden’s Border Policy

[Screenshot/Fox News: Fox & Friends]

Nicole Silverio Media Reporter
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Fox News’ Brian Kilmeade pushed Democratic Maryland Gov. Wes Moore to condemn President Joe Biden’s border policies during a Wednesday segment.

Authorities in Maryland arrested 23-year-old Victor Antonio Martinez-Hernandez, an illegal immigrant from El Salvador, in connection to the rape and murder of 37-year-old Rachel Morin on a hiking trail in August 2023. Morin was the mother of five children.

The governor said he was “infuriated” by the tragic death of Morin and acknowledged the border crisis has spread from the southern states to the entirety of the U.S. He previously pinned Republicans during a Sunday interview on “Face The Nation” for blocking the Emergency National Security Supplemental Appropriations Act in February, which intended to close the border when entries reached an average of over 5,000 persons per day and increase the number of border officials.

“When you see Victor Hernandez, he was stopped in El Paso, rejected. He was stopped in New Mexico twice, rejected. The third time, he came through as a got away — He got through. So these criminals were able to get through. We got 7.4 million. Even if that legislation had passed as is … it wouldn’t have even kicked in until 270 days. So would you say to say the legislation not passing or passing is a bit of a reach, doesn’t even apply here?” Kilmeade asked.

The governor said Congress has been inactive on the “broken” immigration system for decades, leading Kilmeade to point to the surge in apprehensions throughout Biden’s administration. (RELATED: Karine Jean-Pierre Asserts Biden Is ‘Stopping The Flow’ Of Illegal Migrants At The Border) 

“We’re not taking about a singular bill. We’re talking about something that has been broken for a very long time. This is not just about this Congress. This is not just about this group of legislators —” Moore said.

“But no one’s been worse at this border than the president. This current president, no one’s been worse than him. You have to agree with that,” Kilmeade said.

“This thing is so longstanding and there’s been a lack of courage that we have seen for a long period of time in Washington that has allowed this to take place, that’s allowed our states to then — and the people of our states who we protect, and there’s nothing I take more seriously than public safety, but they’re allowing people of my state to become victims because of a longstanding inaction that we continue to see across Congress and we gotta move on this,” the governor responded.

Border apprehensions have surged to record-highs since Biden assumed office in January 2021. Border authorities apprehended over 1.5 million migrants in the 2024 fiscal year thus far, with a record of 300,000 crossing the border in December alone, according to Customs and Border Protection (CBP). Apprehensions surged above 2 million in the 2022 and 2023 fiscal years.

The number of apprehensions totaled 400,651 in the 2020 fiscal year, the final year of former President Donald Trump’s term, CBP reported.

Prosecutors charged Jose Ibarra, an illegal immigrant from Venezuela, with the murder of 22-year-old nursing student Laken Riley. Ibarra allegedly seriously disfigured her skull with an inanimate object outside of the University of Georgia’s campus in February, documents obtained by WSB-TV say.

Authorities accused Christian Geovanny Inga-Landi, a 25-year-old illegal immigrant from Ecuador, of tying up two 13-year-olds with a shoelace and allegedly raping the girl.