Cara Duckworth Weiblinger

Cara Duckworth Weiblinger - Page 1

VP of Communications, RIAA

Cara Duckworth Weiblinger is VP, Communications at the Recording Industry Association of America where she helps manage media relations and marketing strategy for the organization representing major U.S. music labels and their subsidiary labels, including Atlantic Records, MOTOWN, Def Jam, Columbia, and many others. Duckworth Weiblinger has worked in the communications field for more than a decade, with stints as Director of Communications for the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) as well as in the communications offices of the U.S. Senate Budget Committee under Chairman Judd Gregg (R-NH) and Senator Don Nickles (R-OK). Duckworth Weiblinger is a graduate of DePauw University in Greencastle, IN.