Kristina Ribali

Kristina Ribali - Page 1

Senior Coalitions Director, Foundation for Government Accountability

Since the 90s, Kristina has used her talents as a gifted communicator and organizer to educate and engage limited government activists across the country. Starting in 2008 and continuing through present day, Kristina has been responsible for crafting social media, grassroots, and online strategies for dozens of successful national and state level campaigns. <br /> <br /> As a writer, editor, and podcast host, Kristina has had the privilege of interviewing some of the country’s leading conservative legislators such as Senator Mike Lee, Senator Marco Rubio, and Representative Tom Price. She has also been a frequent guest on national conservative talk shows outlets such as Lars Larson, and TheBlaze TV.<br /> <br /> Kristina Ribali is the Senior Coalitions Director for the Foundation for Government Accountability.