Michael Emmons

Michael Emmons - Page 1

Visa Abuse Victim

Michael Emmons lives in Longwood, Florida. He's a 1984 computer science graduate of the University of Florida and has been developing software ever since. He is now an IT Director in Orlando, FL. Previously, he was ordered by corporate management to train his foreign replacements in Lake Mary, FL. Michael's efforts to bring awareness of this injustice were instrumental in bringing awareness to L-1B visa abuse. He was on numerous episodes of the CNN Lou Dobbs show "Exporting America," as well as ABC National news with Peter Jennings. WKMG CBS Orlando reported the story in February 2003, titled "Where did the jobs go?" The AFL-CIO distributed the WKMG series on DVD to every House of Representatives office. The WKMG series was nominated for an Emmy. His testimony was presented in a Feb 4, 2004 House subcommittee "L VISAS: LOSING JOBS THROUGH LAISSEZ-FAIRE POLICIES?"