
Nick Saban Has Incredible Comments About Focusing On ‘Today’

(Photo by Donald Page/Getty Images)

David Hookstead Sports And Entertainment Editor
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Alabama football coach Nick Saban had some great thoughts about focusing on “today” for success.

In a viral clip making the rounds online Sunday morning, the six-time national champion said the following in part:

You know, all of us are a little bit addicted to tomorrow. I’ll quit smoking tomorrow. I’ll go on a diet tomorrow. I’ll lose weight tomorrow. I’ll start studying tomorrow, but really making it happen today is the way you improve. Making it happen today is the way you improve. That’s the way we’ll get better. That’s the way you’ll create more value for yourself and that’ll really help our team get a lot better as well.

You can watch his full comments below.

Despite the fact I’m certainly not an Alabama fan, I agree with every single word that came out of Saban’s mouth in the video above. (RELATED: August Is Officially The Start Of College Football)

It’s just further proof of why he’s such a damn good coach and leader. He literally couldn’t be any more correct if he tried.

Way too many people, inside and outside of sports, are all about tomorrow. They’re all about putting stuff off as long as possible.

That’s a loser mentality. That’s not the mentality that put a man on the moon and won WWII. NASA didn’t say we’ll go to the moon whenever we find some free time to get around to it.

We said we’re going to the moon ASAP.

If you’re not focused on a championship mentality every single day, then you will get smoked by those who carry the same mentality as Nick Saban and Alabama.

Saban isn’t waiting until tomorrow to figure out how to beat Clemson. He’s likely spent every single day since losing to them trying to figure it out.

Anybody who isn’t down with Saban’s mentality on dominating today is nobody I want in a foxhole with me if it comes to it.

Despite my dislike for the SEC, I’m still giving Saban major props for these comments.