
Trump Kicks Off Weekend With Harsh Dig At ‘Do Nothing Democrat Savages’

Virginia Kruta Associate Editor
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President Donald Trump took specific aim at several of his Democratic critics in Congress on Twitter early Saturday morning.

Trump referenced Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler (NY), Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (CA) and freshman Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, calling them “Do Nothing Democrat Savages.”

“Can you imagine if these Do Nothing Democrat Savages, people like Nadler, Schiff, AOC Plus 3, and many more, had a Republican Party who would have done to Obama what the Do Nothings are doing to me. Oh well, maybe next time!” he tweeted.

Trump had just one day earlier called for Schiff’s resignation after the Intelligence Committee chair fabricated the context and content of the president’s July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, later trying to explain that away as a “parody.” (RELATED: Schiff Admitted To Fabricating Part Of Trump’s Ukraine Call — These Outlets Ignored That Fact)

“Rep. Adam Schiff totally made up my conversation with Ukraine President and read it to Congress and Millions. He must resign and be investigated. He has been doing this for two years. He is a sick man!” Trump tweeted Friday morning.

But despite the president’s complaints about the actions of Schiff, Nadler, Ocasio-Cortez and others, his reelection campaign appears to be enjoying a fundraising boom. According to Eric Trump, the campaign has “now raised almost $15 million in small dollar donations (including 50,000 NEW donors) since @SpeakerPelosi started this impeachment charade 72 hrs ago!”

Trump followed up his complaint with a tweet in all caps reading simply: “PRESIDENTIAL HARASSMENT!”