A new poll released Sunday shows that all top Democratic candidates are beating President Donald Trump in a hypothetical match up, including former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.
The poll, conducted by Morning Consult, showed that in a hypothetical general election match up with Trump, Bloomberg polls at 43%, while Trump polls at 37%. 21% are undecided or don’t know.
Other Democratic candidates poll well against Trump too. Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren beats Trump 45% to 39%, while Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and former Vice President Joe Biden have similar leads.
Bloomberg’s numbers among Democrats in general are still low, however, with only 4% of Democrats calling him their first choice.
Bloomberg would best Trump by 6 points in a head-to-head contest, per new Politico/Morning Consult poll — more than the margin by which Biden and Sanders would beat Trump. pic.twitter.com/5kulSmD6S8
— Kathryn Watson (@kathrynw5) November 10, 2019
Trump’s performance in recent polls shows that he often trails Democrats in general election match ups. (RELATED: Trump Campaign’s New 2020 Ad Promotes Misleading Claim About Immigration)
A poll from Fox News released this month showed that the leading Democratic candidates all beating Trump.
A Los Angeles Times poll also indicated that a majority of Americans will be unhappy if he wins reelection in 2020.