
Box Office Revenue Plummets Amid Coronavirus Panic, Numbers Are At A ‘Historic Low’

(Photo by JEAN-BAPTISTE LACROIX/AFP via Getty Images)

David Hookstead Sports And Entertainment Editor
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The box office has been obliterated by coronavirus.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, domestic box office revenue Wednesday was only $300,000, and THR described it as a “historic low.” (REVIEW: ‘Westworld‘ Starts Season 3 With Dolores On The Hunt For More Blood In ‘Parce Domine’)

Comscore reported that revenue was $7.7 milliona on the previous Wednesday, and it was $10.7 million on the same day a year ago, according to the same THR report.

The horrific numbers come after theaters across America have shut their doors because of coronavirus. The theaters are closing and people are scared about being outside.

When you combine those two factors, it’s not hard to see why Hollywood is getting absolutely hammered right now.

The numbers aren’t just bad. They’re about as bad as it can get.

If you had told me two weeks ago that Hollywood would be in this kind of condition, I never would have believed you.

Yet, here we are and the numbers speak for themselves. I honestly feel so bad for people who put in so much time and effort, and nobody wants to leave their house.

On top of that, major moves like the new James Bond are all being pushed back.

Hopefully, Hollywood can bounce back in a major way after we finish defeating coronavirus. It’s just a tough time all the way around, and there’s really no other way to spin it.