‘Nobody Likes A Snob’: Bill Maher Picks Apart The Modern Democratic Party And Gets Brutally Honest With AOC

[Screenshot/YouTube/Real Time with Bill Maher]

Nicole Silverio Media Reporter
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HBO host and comedian Bill Maher criticized Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the modern Democratic Party for its support of woke culture.

“It’s [wokeness] a joke, because it makes you think of people who wake up offended and take orders from Twitter and their over-sensitivity has grown tiresome,” Maher said in a Friday segment of “Real Time with Bill Maher.”

Maher warned that the Democratic Party is distancing itself from potential supporters in the 2022 and 2024 elections who are white without a college degree, which currently makes up a large portion of voters in the country. He said the party is targeting an audience that cannot vote, leading the party to be unappealing to registered voters.

“I haven’t worked out an official campaign slogan for 2024 yet, but what I have ruled out is ‘Vote Democrat because white people suck.’ It’s like trying to get laid by saying ‘You’re ugly, want to dance?’ You’re alienating a whole lot of people … So [to] a lot of folks in America, you come across as the ‘cares about everybody but me’ party.”

The “Real Time with Bill Maher” host said that approximately 62% of Americans currently feel out of touch with the party because “nobody likes a snob.”

“In plain English, nobody likes a snob … Your microaggression culture doesn’t play in the rustbelt. If a staffer hands you a speech that says ‘menstruating people’ instead of women, don’t say that, say women,” Maher said.

Maher also said the liberal media blaming Democratic losses in the Nov. 2 Virginia gubernatorial election on “white supremacy” also contributes to voters distancing themselves from the party. The HBO host mocked Ocasio-Cortez’s defense of the woke culture in response to James Carville blaming “stupid wokeness” for the party’s losses.

“AOC fired back ‘wokeness is a term almost exclusively used by older people these days, so that should tell you all you need to know.’ What? This is a term folks like you [Ocasio-Cortez] brought out very recently and have been proudly displaying in every march since,” Maher said.

Maher then ripped into the far-left’s support of cancel culture and teaching critical race theory (CRT) to elementary school children,  suggesting that schools teach “a less whitewashed” version of history. (RELATED: Maher Slams Liberal Media For Ignoring Hunter Biden Laptop Right To Cuomo’s Face)

He further criticized Ocasio-Cortez and the five other House Democrats that voted against the recently passed $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill, arguing that it “would have improved their constituents’ lives.” The bill, titled the Infrastructure and Jobs Act (IIJA), puts hundreds of billions of dollars towards roads, bridges, ports and broadband.

The HBO comedian has been highly critical of cancel culture and “wokeness”. During a Thursday guest appearance on CNN’s “Cuomo Prime Time,” Maher defended parents who oppose CRT by arguing that they do not want their children to learn that “racism is the essence of America.”