
Don’t Get Your Hopes Up. Aaron Rodgers Isn’t Coming Back After All

Screenshot/YouTube/The Pat McAfee Show

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Keith Olbermann eat your heart out.

Making his weekly appearance on the Pat McAfee show, star New York Jets quarterback Aaron Rodgers said he’s at least three or four weeks away from being medically cleared to play after tearing his Achilles in week one of the season, all but shutting down any hope of seeing him sling the pigskin again this year.

It appeared Rodgers had been making real progress on an injury that typically ends seasons, something McAfee indicated while introducing Rodgers. “The current quarterback of the New York Jets, who *might* be medically cleared to play going into week 16,” McAfee exclaimed.

But Rodgers dismissed the idea.

“It was unrealistic to think that I would be 100 percent to be medically cleared at any point during the regular season,” he told McAfee. “I do feel like, you know, in the next three or four weeks, it would be very possible to get to 100 percent. But obviously [I’m] not there, so the conversation went away from 100 percent medical clearance to a willingness to play, and that’s never been a problem for me.”

He also noted later in the interview, “If I was 100 percent I’d be definitely pushing to play, but the fact is I’m not.”

I’m disappointed. Not because I’m a Jets fan (ew) but because I BADLY wanted to see Rodgers shut down the naysayers. He received an unnecessary amount of hate after he indicated it was even possible he could return to the field this year. Liberal blowhards like Keith Olbermann even celebrated his injury, tweeting out “Another #SuddenLisfranc due to failure to vaccinate.”

How disgusting of a human being — and I use “human being” very loosely in this case — do you have to be to celebrate another person’s injury? (RELATED: ‘Get Your Fifth Booster, Bum!’: Aaron Rodgers Mocks Keith Olbermann After Injury Taunt)

The pure amount of toxicity that streamed from leftoid robots who shudder at the pure notion of a rich and powerful individual with enough courage to state his views was shocking.

Here’s an editor for The Atlantic stating he goes out of his way to hate on Rodgers simply because of his stance on vaccines.

Rodgers did indicate he would be ready by week one next season and that he’d like to give the Jets more than just the one year remaining on his contract, which ends after next season. “When I came here I got kind of a renewed passion and love for the game, and everything has been amazing here,” he told McAfee. “I wanted these two years. I feel like this year is kind of a lost year… I don’t think next year will be my last year.”

Here’s hoping we get to see him shut all of the haters up.