
Harrison Butker’s Jersey Rockets Up Bestseller List After Mega-Based Commencement Speech, And I Might Have To Get One

Wikimedia Commons/Public/Theonewhoknowsnothingatall, Public Domain

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Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker’s jersey sales skyrocketed following backlash to a Saturday commencement speech he gave encouraging women to embrace motherhood, among other things.

Butker’s jersey was listed above his teammate Patrick Mahomes on the NFL shop’s best sellers list Thursday.

While the list is by no means an official ranking, the 72 jerseys featured on the first page are out of 8,197 total jerseys listed in the section. Butker‘s prominent place on the list had him higher than Mahomes and other notable stars like newly minted Philadelphia Eagles running back Saquon Barkley and standout stud 49ers running back Christian McCaffrey.

Butker’s prominence on the list is highly unusual as his position, kicker, is one of — if not the most — unheralded positions in the league. There aren’t a ton of kids asking their parents to buy them a kicker’s jersey for Christmas. But Butker’s statement, and the ensuing outrage, have sparked a wave of solidarity among his fellow Catholics and the Christian community at large. (RELATED: Kansas City Goes After Harrison Butker Over His Conservative Beliefs, Tries To Apologize After)

Scores of users took to Twitter to support his statements and combat the overflow of outrage that came as a result of his insinuation that women “have had the most diabolical lies told” to them and that they should be “excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world.”

The feminazis came out of the woodwork to condemn his words, wildly misconstruing what he said as anti-woman and fascist. But it’s clear the vast majority of these boneheads didn’t even actually listen to what he said because he in no way denigrated any woman who chooses to work or pursue a career. He simply stated that many women are and can be happy being mothers.

A cursory scroll of a modern-day TikTok feed would tell you he’s right, as there’s no shortage of women in their thirties complaining on social media about how they can’t find a man after being told their whole life that they could have a career and a family.

Now, neither I nor Butker are saying that women can’t have both. I know a ton of happy and successful women who do have both. But what I believe Butker is saying is that women are being sold a lie about how they can spend their twenties having a “hoe phase” and there being a patient and loving man waiting to marry them at the end of it. That’s just not the reality for most women.

People can get mad at Butker for telling it how it is, I for one appreciate the honesty.