
Adam Sandler Is Trying To Get John Daly And Tiger Woods In ‘Happy Gilmore 2,’ And This Needs To Become Official ASAP

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Andrew Powell Sports and Entertainment Blogger
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This needs to happen! And immediately!

It’s already glorious news that “Happy Gilmore 2,” a sequel to the legendary 1996 movie “Happy Gilmore,” is on the way. But Adam Sandler dropped a couple of more bombs on us recently which just makes this entire situation that much sweeter.

Making an appearance on “The Dan Patrick Show,” Sandler issued out a few Easter Eggs with the upcoming “Happy Gilmore 2,” including that legendary golfers Tiger Woods and John Daly will potentially be included in the film. (RELATED: Adam Sandler’s ‘Happy Gilmore 2’ Has Officially Been Green-Lighted By Netflix)

“I would like to think so. You never know but I love him,” said Sandler when he was asked by Dan Patrick about Daly possibly being featured.

Patrick then shot the attention over to Woods.

“I would love it, we’ll see I’m going to write all my dreams and then you never know what’s going to happen,” Sandler replied.


As hustle and bustle as I’ve become, not really caring what people think (look at Twitter, I retweet my haters, lmao), going all out for my daughters, knowing they’ll be the greatest of all-time, and getting deeper and deeper in this golf thing, y’all already know I’m gonna try to get my brand clipped in the movie somehow.

LMAO … wouldn’t that be something. Powell Golf in “Happy Gilmore 2.”

I am so game for that.