
Mary Rooke Details How ‘Demand For Hate’ Calls Out Dems ‘Narrative’ Pushed Onto Black Voters


Hailey Gomez General Assignment Reporter
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Daily Caller columnist Mary Rooke detailed how the Daily Caller’s new documentary, “Demand for Hate,” calls out the “narrative” pushed onto black voters by the Democrat Party Tuesday on NewsMax Radio.

Rooke appeared on “The Rob Carson Show” to discuss how the new film exposes the rise of hate crime hoaxes in America, following a story of former college student Morgan Bettinger who had been labeled racist after an encounter with a Black Lives Matter activist. Radio show host Rob Carson noted how a jury recently awarded two former private Catholic high school students with $1 million and tuition reimbursements after being framed as racists over photos claiming that they had dressed in “blackface,” which turned out to be acne masks.

Carson asked the Daily Caller columnist whether she believes there is a “movement happening” causing black voters to wake up to the claims “sold” to them by the Democrat Party. (RELATED: Meet The College Student Whose Life Was Destroyed By A Hate Crime Hoax)

“I do think that we’re at a tipping point where we’re now going to see more of that come on,” Rooke said. “In the film, there is this really great part where we highlight this panel and they’re talking about these hate hoaxes and they’re talking about all of this stuff. One of the guys on the panel he was a black man, and he starts talking about how these hoaxes, what they end up doing is, they make it to where instead of immediately being able to support whoever is claiming victimhood, they immediately start thinking, ‘No, I actually think this is probably a lie.'”

“What he said [that] I thought was really important is that when there’s actually something that happens when there’s actually a real hate crime that happens — which we all know is few and far between in our country,” she continued. “That’s not what’s going on, our country is not systemically racist. But when something does happen, then these victims are essentially not being allowed to talk about what’s happened because all of these hoaxes are making it impossible.”

“He also spoke about his feelings with the Democratic Party, and how he feels that the Democratic Party has really tried to push that narrative of ‘it’s not safe to be a black person in America, you’re going to walk out on the street, and you’re going to immediately get killed by white people.’ And how they do that on purpose in order to be able to get the black vote because if they cannot continue to perpetuate this victimhood mentality then their voting bloc is going to run over to the right where they are actually trying to make solutions for this,” Rooke stated.

Rooke continued to call out President Joe Biden’s commencement speech at Morehouse College, an HBCU in Atlanta, on Sunday, attempting to appeal to black voters by recalling the death of George Floyd and how the community has needed to work “10 times better than anyone else to get a fair shot.”

“Joe Biden essentially perpetuated the same type of mentality where he’s telling black people that — you know [these are] black graduates, these are these are kids that worked very hard for four years,” she went on. “They earned their degree, and instead of telling them ‘great job’ [he] tells them ‘you live in a country that doesn’t love you back, you live in a country where if you’re a black man, you’re gonna get shot on the street.’ To continue to perpetuate this lie just creates situations in which Morgan Bettinge goes down the wrong street and then has her entire life ruined.”

Recent polls have shown that black voters are appearing to leave the Democrat Party as the 2024 elections grow closer. A New York Times/Siena College survey shows Biden is currently losing major portions of his party’s key voting blocs such as black voters, young voters and Hispanic voters. From what the data currently shows, former President Donald Trump could potentially win over 20% of black voters, giving Republicans the highest levels of this voting group since the enactment of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, according to The New York Times.

Demand for Hate” tells Bettinger’s story of how her life was turned upside down after BLM activists twisted her words at a protest in 2020 and caused her to be stuck in her car as protesters blocked a street near campus. While Bettinger was speaking to a truck driver about how she was thankful he was there to prevent cars from turning protesters into speed bumps, University of Virginia student activist Zyana Bryant claimed Bettinger had threatened the protesters.

Bettinger was not only then labeled as a racist on campus, but university officials offered her little help to aid the issue. The Caller’s documentary highlights the importance of understanding the impact of hoax crimes and how they can destroy lives forever.