Wild Video Shows Bear Chase Dog, Owner

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Dana Abizaid Contributor
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Home security cameras caught the moment that a Minnesota woman and her dog encountered three black bears rifling through the trash outside their home Tuesday night, FOX9 reported.

The video aired on FOX9 shows Bailey Jacobson and her dog, Zeus, coming out of their home when Zeus runs over toward the trash cans and Bailey cautiously follows before jumping back as three black bears rush out at Zeus, and the dog takes off down the street.

“Definitely not what I expected to see behind my trash can,” Bailey told FOX9. “Obviously, I was petrified … I’m glad Zeus made the decision to go run.” (RELATED: Tourist Mauled After Trying To Take A Selfie With A Bear)


After Bailey screams, the two smaller black bears run back into the woods but the larger one that chased Zeus down the street spins around and starts coming back at Bailey.

“So, definitely kind of lunged at me and I was like probably 35 to 40 feet from the bear,” Bailey told FOX9. “And I was like, I gotta’ run too, I guess.”

Bailey said she was able to make “a beeline” for her house and scramble safely inside.

The bear then went back into the woods, FOX9 reported.

Bailey, who has lived in the neighborhood for three years, said that this was the first time she’s seen bears there, according to FOX9.

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has instructed the public to “boldly shout, bang pots, slam doors or throw something” if they encounter bears that do not leave on their own, FOX9 reported.

The department added that homeowners should remove food sources that might attract bears, including bird feeders, according to the outlet.