
Trump Argues Why Biden Can Stay As Nominee Despite Signs Pointing To Harris As Replacement

(Screenshot/Fox News/"Hannity")

Hailey Gomez General Assignment Reporter
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Former President Donald Trump argued Monday on Fox News why President Joe Biden could stay as the party’s nominee, despite the calls for him to step aside with all signs pointing to Vice President Kamala Harris as his replacement.

Trump appeared on “Hannity” to discuss the growing calls, within his party, for Biden to step aside as the nominee following his poor debate-performance in which many questioned the president’s mental fitness. Fox host Sean Hannity questioned the former president on his thoughts over the discussion of Biden being replaced and if he believed Democrats would switch in Vice President Kamala Harris. (RELATED: Majority Of Americans Approve Of Trump’s First Term More Than Biden’s, New Poll Reveals)

“Well I think that it will be her, I think they are very concerned about the vote if it is not her. They are very, very — I mean they’re gun shy, they don’t want to do it any other way. I’ve actually come to believe that’s what they’re going to do. I think she’s an ineffective person — she was in charge of the border, she’s never been there. She didn’t do a good job, and she hasn’t done a good job on a lot of things,” Trump said.

“It would seem to me that from a political standpoint, that’s who they’re going with. They’re not even talking about alternatives. It seems that if he gets out, for whatever reason, and I don’t think he wants to get out, but if he gets out, it will be her. Interestingly, he has a lot of power because he’s got the delegates. When he has the delegates, unless he says, ‘I’m getting out,’ they can’t do anything to get him out other than the 25th Amendment, if they want to do it in a different route — it would be the 25th Amendment.”

“But let’s assume there is not very much time left. You know there’s not much time left and then we can straighten out our country, we will make America great again, rate? But there’s not a lot of time left,” Trump continued. “I think unless they use the 25th amendment, which they could use in a different sense, he has all the power. He has the delegates, he doesn’t have to get out. There is nothing they can do to get him out. So he’ll get the nomination, he got the nomination.”

As both lawmakers and voters have voiced their concerns post-debate over Biden’s mental fitness, Republican Texas Rep. Chip Roy introduced a 25th Amendment resolution a day after the debate in order to remove the president from office due to his state. While lawmakers and reporters have called out the president’s mental fitness, post-debate polls have shown 72% of Americans no longer believe the president has the mental and cognitive health to serve in office, according to a CBS/YouGov poll.

Over the last week, lawmakers and Democratic National Committee (DNC) members have attempted to pressure Biden into considering other options besides continuing his 2024 campaign. DNC member James Zogby sent a letter last week to committee leader’s proposing a potential plan to hold a primary-like convention in order to help the party move forward if Biden were to withdraw his name.

However, the president and his officials have continued to stand by his run this year, as names from his party including Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, California Gov. Gavin Newsom and Harris all have been floated as options.