
‘The Establishment Will Say’: One Of World’s Best Golfers Delivers Very Out-Of-This-World Answer On Conspiracies

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Viktor Hovland, World Golf’s seventh ranked golfer, had some interesting thoughts on aliens and the afterlife during an interview with The Times published Sunday.

“It’s like, what is the deal with all the aliens?” Hovland asked The Times. “There seem to be some pilots and commanders that explain what they saw and have video footage of it, so it’s like, ‘Huh, what is that?’”(RELATED: Aliens Are ‘Real’ And ‘Covered-Up,’ Lawmaker Claims)

“I find the reluctance to talk about that stuff fascinating,” he added. “The conspiracy is one thing but then also the reaction to it. What do you think happens after we die? We don’t know. The establishment will say, ‘Your neurons will stop firing. Your body will rot.’ OK, that’s one explanation but, if you look at our ancestors, there’s a huge culture that goes into preparing for the afterlife. Were they just idiots or were they onto something? I’m just curious to find out. We’ve gotten sold that we have all the answers but there’s just so much we don’t know. I find those questions super motivating and I just want to figure it out.”

Hovland‘s conspiracy queries come just before The British Open Championship. During the interview he also expressed a hint of regret at his decision not to defect from the Professional Golfers’ Association for LIV Golf.

“In 20 years, if I’m on the back end of my career, playing LIV Golf wouldn’t be too bad. It might have been a pretty cool opportunity but, right now, it’s something I think I’d probably look back [on] and regret,” he told the Times.