
Matt K. Lewis Senior Contributor
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A few links to get you through the weekend…

1.  Slate on the daily rituals of artists.

2.  BuzzFeed reports leaders of the gay conservative group GOProud are stepping aside.

3.  Rod Dreher talks with me about his new book, “The Little Way of Ruthie Leming.

4.  Christianity Today on how Mike Cromartie is changing the way media write on evangelicals.

5.  The White House Correspondents Dinner and the mainstreaming of nerd culture.

6.  TheDC’s Mickey Kaus and I debate immigration reform.

7. Paul Johnson on C.S. Lewis.

8.  On Bloggingheads, the Daily Beast’s Justin Green and I discuss Nerd Prom, why the Tsarnaevs were motivated by radical Islam, Ronald Reagan’s legacy, and more!

9. NRO’s Robert Costa on Paul Ryan’s immigration play.

10. RIP George Jones:

Matt K. Lewis