
Cruz: If You Vote For Rubio, ‘We Will Lose’ To Hillary [VIDEO]

Christian Datoc Senior White House Correspondent
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Sen. [crscore]Ted Cruz[/crscore] told CNN’s Jake Tapper Sunday that if Iowans vote for [crscore]Marco Rubio[/crscore] in Monday’s Republican caucus, the GOP will lose the general election in November.

“Not only did [Rubio] not lead the fight against amnesty,” noted Cruz, “but he led the fight to pass amnesty.”

“I chose to stand with [crscore]Jeff Sessions[/crscore], and [crscore]Steve King[/crscore] and millions of conservatives across the country against amnesty,” he continued.

“A vote for Marco is a vote for amnesty, and I’ll tell you this. If we nominate a candidate who supports amnesty, who has the same position on amnesty as Hillary Clinton, we will lose.”

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