The Mirror

White House Pimps Out Kellyanne Conway To CNN Without Her Knowledge

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Betsy Rothstein Gossip blogger
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Aides working in the White House surrogate’s office may want to start communicating with the high-level officials they agree to book on Sunday political talk shows.

As it stands, they made President Trump‘s Counselor Kellyanne Conway look like a fool.

On Monday, CNN PR issued a tweet saying the network turned the White House down when they offered to send her to appear on CNN’s “State of the Union” with Jake Tapper on Sunday. Conway snapped back that CNN was “false” and that she was spending her weekend with her family.

She did not return a Daily Caller request for screen shots of emails.

A source familiar with what happened told The Mirror that the White House offered up Conway to CNN, but the network declined because all the other shows were getting VP Mike Pence and CNN decided to let the Pence boycott stand as the White House message.

The only problem? The White House apparently forgot to tell Conway that they offered CNN the chance to have her on Tapper’s show.


So Conway went on Twitter and made an idiot of herself.

In December, Tapper grilled Pence in a tense interview. He asked Pence about National Security Adviser Michael Flynn‘s son and his relationship to the then-Trump transition team.

Pence dodged the question and said it was time to “move forward.”

Tapper pressed him, saying, “Sorry, you’re not answering the question.”

If White House officials want to keep accusing the press of being “fake news” and telling the media to “shut up and listen” they may want to clean up their own act.