
‘We Need To Up Our Game, Folks’: Laurence Tribe Calls Trump World Series Ad ‘Brilliant’

(Photo: SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images)

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Anti-Trump Harvard law professor Laurence Tribe called President Donald Trump’s World Series campaign ad “brilliant” and warned fellow Democrats of the need to “up our game.”

“He’s no Mr. Nice Guy, but sometimes it takes a Donald Trump to change Washington,” the 30-second ad says after contrasting a list of presidential accomplishments on immigration, the economy, and fighting ISIS with the Democrats’ focus on impeachment.

The ad was posted by Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale on Wednesday night during the game:

“This is what we’re up against,” Tribe wrote via Twitter. “This pro-Trump ad is brilliant. We need to up our game, folks!” (RELATED: Trump Campaign Ignites Twitter Firestorm With ‘Pencil-Neck Adam Schiff’ T-Shirt)

Others of the pro-Trump persuasion also expressed their fondness for the ad: