
Former Delta Force Operator Chris VanSant Talks About Fighting Roughly 400 Fighters In One Engagement During The Invasion Of Iraq

Chris VanSant (Credit: Daily Caller and Chris VanSant)

David Hookstead Sports And Entertainment Editor
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Chris VanSant has some fascinating stories about the invasion of Iraq.

I spoke with the former Delta Force operator about a ton of different topics, and his comments about the invasion of Iraq in 2003 really stood out. Specifically, VanSant talked about how his team got into a massive fight with roughly 400 enemy combatants after being spotted by a sheep herder.

“8:30 in the morning, gunfire erupted. We ended up getting hit, basically, on three sides. What had happened was that goat herder had gone into the local town, or the closest one to proximity, and then through a series of phone calls, they had basically recruited every Fedayeen fighter that was within 100 square miles of us. And, we ended up in an engagement on April 2nd with somewhere between 350 and 400 fighters,” VanSant explained.

You can watch him break down the insane situation and how his team responded below.

For those of you doing the math at home, his Delta Force team was outnumbered somewhere between 8:1 to 10:1. As he noted, there were some mechanics with his team, but it was 40 “shooters” vs. up to 400 enemy fighters.

Not only did the good guys win the day, but from VanSant’s comments, it sounds like we eventually won it in overwhelming fashion. As he said, the American forces ended up “decimating all the enemy forces” when it was all said and done.

That’s one hell of an insane story and it’s a blunt reminder of just how awesome our military is when it comes time to get the job done.