
‘You’ve Got To Give That Gun Up’: Whoopi Goldberg Said NRA Needs To Suck It Up, Calls For Ban On AR-15

[Screenshot/The View]

Brianna Lyman News and Commentary Writer
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“The View” co-host Whoopi Goldberg said Tuesday the National Rifle Association (NRA) “can’t have” AR-15-style rifles and needs to “give that gun up” because it is “not a hunting gun.”

Speaking about the deadly massacre at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, Goldberg took aim at the AR-15, which the shooter used to carry out the attack.

“Listen, this AR-15’s got to go. I’m sorry,” Goldberg said. “I think about the people up in Buffalo, who are still suffering because they still can’t go shop anywhere because nobody will bring a supermarket where these folks are living. There is too much at stake here, too many lives have been at stake, too many damn little kids.”

“I am sick of seeing people talk about, ‘Well, we should do something.’ No, we should do something. And I don’t care, NRA, you’ve got to give that gun up. You can have other yee-haw guns, whatever you want. The AR-15 is not a hunting gun. It is not a gun where you’re going go out and shoot your dinner. This gun is meant to kill people. That’s what it’s for, and you can’t have it anymore,” she said.

“You can’t have this gun because it kills people and children, and I’m sick of it.” (RELATED: Peter King Calls For Banning AR-15s And Raising The Age To Buy A Gun To 21)

Goldberg made similar statements just after the shooting, saying Americans can have their guns but cannot have AR-15s.

“They’re going to come for those AR-15s and you better get ready to give them up because this is America,” she previously stated.

Co-host Joy Behar claimed during the episode that police officers were “scared” to take down the Texas shooter because he had an AR-15, and questioned the idea of arming teachers to deal with active shooter situations.

“They expect teachers to have guns? When I was a a teacher, I can’t even imagine being able to pull out a gun at the right time. An AR-15, I’m supposed to carry around from room to room?” Behar said. “I have to go room to room with an AR-15, carrying that? I mean, how do they expect people to live like that?”

It is unclear why Behar believed teachers would be equipped with AR-15s specifically.