
Shocking Images Show Titanic Submersible Debris For First Time

REUTERS/David Hiscock

Brianna Lyman News and Commentary Writer
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Shocking images show the Titan submersible for the first time since authorities discovered a debris field near the infamous shipwreck days after the submersible went missing.

Authorities unloaded pieces of the destroyed vessel in St. John’s Harbor in Newfoundland, Canada, on Wednesday.

The U.S. Coast Guard announced Thursday that the five passengers aboard the submersible were “lost” in a “catastrophic implosion” just hours after authorities discovered debris near the Titanic wreckage. (RELATED: ‘An Underwater Instant Cremation’: Mortician Lays Out Why The Bodies Of Sub Victims Will Never Be Found)

The submersible departed off the coast of St. John’s, Newfoundland last Sunday but lost contact with the mother ship less than two hours after it began its descent in search of the Titanic wreckage. Experts estimated the submersible would run out of oxygen by Thursday, as it was equipped with 96 hours of breathable air at the time of its departure.

Questions about the safety of the Titan have been raised in recent days, with parent company Oceangate’s CEO Stockton Rush making comments in 2019 about “obscenely safe” regulations. Rush argued the allegedly strict rules prevented innovation within the commercial sub industry. Marine Technology Society member Bart Kemper said Rush was likely able to dodge some regulations by deploying the sub in international waters where U.S. laws aren’t applicable, according to Insider.