
‘Ron! Ron! Ron! Is He Fit?’: Christie Puts DeSantis In A Blender For Dodging Question On Trump Fitness

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Brianna Lyman News and Commentary Writer
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Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie put Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ head on a swivel after he tried dodging questions on whether former President Donald Trump is fit to run for office.

DeSantis was questioned about campaign ads portraying Trump as mentally unfit.

“Father Time is undefeated,” DeSantis said, adding Trump legally can only have one term and that he’s too old to do the job.

DeSantis then spoke about the need for a younger Republican who can complete two terms before he was pressed for an answer.

“But do you think he’s mentally fit to be president?” the moderator asked.

“I think we need to have somebody younger,” DeSantis said, before turning his focus onto Trump’s record.

Christie then jumped in, saying, “The question was very direct — is he fit to be president or isn’t he? The rest of the speech is interesting but completely non-responsive and if we were in a courtroom they’d strike the answer.”

“Is he fit? Or isn’t he?” Christie demanded to know as DeSantis tried to defend his point.

“You’re talking about him being 80 years old!” Christie said. “Ron! Ron! Ron! Is he fit or isn’t he?” (RELATED: ‘I Love Boeing’: Nikki Haley Forced To Go On Defense As Opponents Pounce On Corporate Ties)

“Look, father time is undefeated, I don’t know how he would score on a test but I know this, we have an opportunity to nominate someone and elect someone for two terms whose gonna be spitting nails on day one,” DeSantis said, arguing the party should nominate someone young.

“He’s afraid to answer!” Christie shouted.

“No I’m not!” DeSantis could be heard shouting back.

“Either you’re afraid or you’re not listening,” Christie said. The two candidates continued to shout over each other, prompting the moderators to intervene.

Christie then said the Republican hopefuls are afraid to offend Trump but that he was not.