
REPORT: American Man Trying To Record Video Falls 50 Feet Head First Off Cliff While Hiking

Wikimedia Commons/Public/Dennis Jarvis from Halifax, Canada, CC BY-SA 2.0

Jeff Charles Contributor
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An Arizona man is lucky to be in one piece after reportedly falling headfirst off a cliff while hiking in Switzerland.

25-year-old Logan Moore tumbled 50 feet into a ravine while backpacking with his cousin, according to Fox 10. “I took a video the second before I fell,” Moore told the outlet.

The fall reportedly occurred when Moore attempted to get a good shot of the mountain with his camera before slipping on wet rock and moss and plummeting off the edge of the cliff. He fell 25 before being knocked unconscious after hitting a rock on the way down, the outlet reported.

However, the fall did not stop there. “That platform on my back and that momentum sent me into the crevice where I fell another 25 feet head first into the crevice and where I got stuck at the bottom,” the hiker recalled to the outlet. (RELATED: American Teenager Dies After Falling 300 Feet While Hiking In Western Switzerland)

Moore reportedly returned to consciousness as he waited for the mountain rescue personnel to find him. “I accepted what it is and kind of said some goodbyes. At that point, I didn’t know if I was going to make it out. Then, once I heard my cousin’s voice and my friends overhead, I knew that they weren’t going to go anywhere until I was freed,” he told the outlet.

Fortunately, a helicopter located the young man approximatley 20 minutes after his fall, Fox 1o reported. “Then he was able to put the harness around my legs and over my left shoulder, and they had to bring me up about ten feet and then traverse a little bit, like ten feet because it was so skinny, the crevice was so small,” Moore recounted to the outlet.

Adisyn Mathenia, Moore’s cousin, was relieved at the outcome. “It was traumatic but it was kind of, like, best case scenario,” Mathenia told KPLCTV. “This was also a big deal for them because they don’t do very many helicopter rescues like this. Normally when they do it, it’s to extract a body.”

Mathenia communicated with her cousin after the fall. “So I start asking him questions, you know, like ‘What do you see? Are you pinned? Are you able to move?’” she told the outlet.

Moore suffered multiple fractures from the fall, the outlet reported.

The rescue team reportedly lifted Moore out of the ravine after attaching him to the aircraft and took him to the hospital. “I am beyond grateful for that rescue team,” Moore’s mother, who immediately flew to Switzerland to retrieve her son, told Fox 10.