
‘What A Waffle House Sounds Like At 3 AM’: Charlamagne Tha God Praises MTG, Says Dems Have Messaging ‘Problem’

[Screenshot/Comedy Central]

Julianna Frieman Contributor
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Charlamagne Tha God took aim at Democrats for not talking like “real people” Wednesday night on “The Daily Show.”

Charlamagne Tha God said Democrats should take a lesson from the Republican Party regarding how to message in an “authentic” and “clear” manner.

“Listen man, Democrats have a problem. It’s not their policies, it’s not their fundraising. It’s not that Joe Biden started buffering at the Juneteenth party,” Charlamagne Tha God said as his audience erupted with laughter. “No, no. The problem they have is their messaging. Or to say it plainer, it’s how they talk.”

“Nobody wants to hear the normal political voice anymore,” he continued. “I’ll give you an example. Republicans made abortion illegal in half the country — which is horrible. It should be a winning issue for Democrats, but here’s how Democrats talk about it.”

Charlamagne Tha God showed video clips of President Joe Biden, Democratic Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Democratic Massachusetts Sen. Ed Markey delivering remarks about the reversal of Roe v. Wade in 2022.

“Bruh! Why is this sentence taking you 49 years to say?” Charlamagne Tha God exclaimed. “How about trying this instead: ‘These religious nut-ass Republicans want to force you to have a baby.’ Period! The end. That’s it.”

“But I know, I know, politicians aren’t supposed to talk that way. But they should,” he said. “In fact, before Democrats even worry about explaining their side of an issue, they need to learn something more basic: how to talk like real people. Yeah. And I’m sure that’s possible, yeah!”

Charlamagne Tha God assured his audience that Democrats are capable of talking like “real people” because “total nut-ass Republicans” like Republican Kentucky Sen. John Kennedy, presumptive 2024 Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, and Republican Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene are “good at it.” (RELATED: Charlamagne Tha God Tells Fox News Kamala Harris ‘Handcuffed’ By Biden Admin)

“Congress could pay off the whole deficit by giving Marjorie Taylor Greene a swear jar,” Charlamagne Tha God remarked.

“And yes, I know Marjorie Taylor Greene is a whole fool’s market, but that’s authentic, okay? That’s real America. That’s what a Waffle House sounds like at 3 a.m,” he said.

Charlamagne Tha God called Trump’s message “terrible,” but gave the former president credit for being “clear” about what he means.

“Here’s a guy who knows what he wants and knows how to get it,” Charlamagne Tha God said. “The message is terrible, but it’s clear. When he says, ‘Build the wall,’ ‘Lock her up,’ ‘I hate sharks,’ no one goes, ‘I wonder what he means!’ Okay? Folks appreciate when someone sounds authentic, even if their ideas are terrible.”

“But with Democrats, even when they talk about the good things they’ve done, it sounds fake. And I know that they’re capable of sounding real,” he added.