
‘Am I Being Delusional?’: Fmr Dem Fundraiser Rips Party Policies, Describes Out Of Control Crime

[Screenshot/Fox News/"Jesse Watters Primetime"]

Hailey Gomez General Assignment Reporter
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Former Democratic fundraiser Allison Huynh ripped the party’s policies Wednesday on Fox News as she described out-of-control crime in San Francisco.

Huynh appeared on “Jesse Watters Primetime” to discuss her recent departure from the Democrat Party as she previously donated to former President Barack Obama and President Joe Biden. Fox host Jesse Watters began by asking the Silicon Valley tycoon the reason behind her decision to no longer support Democrats. (RELATED: Dem City Infamous For Retail Theft Opens Taxpayer-Funded ‘Empowerment Market’ Offering Free Food To Clients)

“Good evening, Jesse, and I think, like any divorce, there’s not just one thing, there’s a series of things that led up to it, right? The Dems were policing the wrong things. The things that we need to police are violent criminals that are scattered throughout the streets of San Francisco, people defecating, shooting up heroin in front of me and my kids, and allowing criminals to go in and steal from our grocery stores, shutting down grocery stores. I love to cook and when I wake up in the morning, there’s no grocery stores to go to,” Huynh said.

While Democrats and President Joe Biden have insisted that crime rates are at an all-time low following the release of the FBI’s new stats, retired New York Police Department (NYPD) inspector Paul Mauro refuted the claims stating that the data can’t be trusted due to different “definitions” of how the crimes are labeled.

“So it’s a quality of life thing,” Watters pushed. “It’s gotten absolutely awful, you are saying, but they are denying that. They’re saying there is no crime wave, crime is way down and you are just — you’ve been hoodwinked by propaganda.”

“Well, you have to look at the facts and the reality. When you walk the streets of San Francisco … I have three young children and when we go to the theater district to watch, say, ‘The Lion King’ [or] ‘Les Miserables’ we have to step over homeless people shooting crack. Anyone can come to San Francisco and they can see the same thing. I love my Peking duck, but I’m afraid to go to Chinatown because of the violent crimes against Asians there. Am I being delusional? I don’t think so,” Huynh responded.

As more tech moguls continue to announce their exit from the Democrat Party, Huynh told “Fox & Friends First” on Tuesday she is now supporting former President Donald Trump after once raking in millions of dollars for liberals.

Major businesses and restaurants such as In-N-Out and Macy’s have left the Bay Area due to the increase in crimes. Despite concerns over the issues seen within the Democrat city, officials have continued to push taxpayer-funded programs for homeless people, with some spending millions to give alcoholic homeless people free alcohol.