
Fox Panel Suggests Trump Is ‘Right’ Countries Aren’t ‘Sending Their Best’ As Alleged Illegal Immigrant Crimes Rock US

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A Fox News panel on Wednesday suggested former President Donald Trump is correct that countries are not “sending their best” people as illegal immigrants allegedly commit “horrific” crimes in the United States.

When Trump launched his 2016 campaign, he alleged Mexico is not “sending their best” illegal immigrants to the U.S. and he has frequently said during his 2024 campaign that countries are releasing their prisoners and mental patients across the southern border. Retired New York Police Department (NYPD) inspector Paul Mauro and host Martha MacCallum on “America’s Newsroom” appeared to back up Trump’s assertions as they discussed reports of heinous illegal immigrant crimes. (RELATED: Biden Admin ‘At Risk’ Of Letting Suspected Terrorists Into The Country, Watchdog Finds)


“It really does feel now like almost daily we have some horrific crime,” Mauro said. “And nobody is saying that every immigrant to this country has these tendencies that they’re all criminals. We all understand that. We understand the vast majority of even the illegal immigrants are here for a better life. But when you let in 10 to 20 million people about whom we know nothing, history has shown us … Castro cleaned out his prisons and insane asylums, he sent those folks here. Most of them were not criminals. But a good portion were because he cleaned out the prisons. We know that’s a tactic that Maduro is using. It is no surprise unfortunately.”

“When the former president says they’re not sending their best, in these cases of these individuals, he’s certainly right about that,” MacCallum responded. “They do get lost in the shuffle, right? Because there’s such a huge volume of people coming across it makes it impossible.”

The panel was discussing a 25-year-old Ecuadorean illegal immigrant apprehended after allegedly sexually assaulting a 13-year-old girl in Queens, New York, as reported by the New York Post.

“This is just the beginning. They have come in from all over the world,” Trump told Fox News Digital on Tuesday in response to the Queens incident. “They have come in from jails. They have come in from mental institutions and many terrorists have come into our country … We are a dumping ground for the world.”

They also, previously in the panel, discussed 23-year-old Victor Antonio Martinez-Hernandez, who Oklahoma authorities recently arrested for the August 2023 rape and murder of a mother of five on a hiking trail.

Martinez-Hernandez entered the United States illegally after committing a murder in El Salvador, according to local law enforcement. Moreover, Jose Antonio Ibarra, an illegal immigrant from Venezuela with a long criminal record, was arrested in February by University of Georgia police and charged with murdering 22-year-old nursing student Laken Riley following a mid-afternoon run.

United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) recorded over 7 million encounters with illegal immigrants since the beginning of fiscal year 2021.

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